Conference Theme
The overall theme for Halifax 2022 is “Riding the waves of change – Surfer sur la vague du changement”, and certainly COVID-19 has made that theme even more appropriate than we anticipated!
At this time we have a mostly in-person conference but ALL sessions including medalist talks will be live-streamed as they happen, and will be available as recordings after the sessions. All virtual presenters have the option to provide a recorded talk to play during the live sessions and will also have access to a virtual presentation space in Fourwaves where they can upload a poster, slideshow, figures, and a short video.
For inquiries about the Technical Program please contact
Program now available!
The full program is now available at the Fourwaves site for the conference. Go to and log into your Fourwaves account to see it.
This program is only available to registered participants at this point. To see the schedule, live stream links, and all other material please log in to your Fourwaves account. If you are not registered at this point late and onsite registration will open again on May 15th.
At the bottom of this page there is a document with Daily Schedule Summaries, scroll all the way down to see it.
Abstract Volume
The Abstract Volume for the conference is available below. After the conference all the abstracts will be published in Geoscience Canada.
- SY-01 Supercontinents, orogenic processes and magmatism: a celebration of the career of Brendan Murphy
- Damian Nance, Rob Strachan, Cecilio Quesada, Shoufa Lin
- SY-02 Pre-Atlantic geological connections among northwest Africa, western Europe, and eastern North America
- Sandra Barr, Saïd Belkacim, Faouziya Haissen, Yvette Kuiper, Pilar González Montero, John Waldron
- SY-03 The geological setting of Romer’s Gap: a session in memoriam Jenny Clack
- Adrian Park, Steve Hinds, Matt Stimson, Olivia King
- SY-04 IUGS, Geoparks and IGCP – Retrospection, today and the future
- Peter Bobrowsky, Katherine Boggs, John Calder, Mostafa Fayek, Stephen Johnston, Daniel Lebel, John Ludden, Guy Narbonne
Special Sessions
- SS-02 From the mantle to the crust, the geochemical signatures of igneous processes: a session in honour of Jarda Dostal
- John Greenough, Nancy Van Wagoner, Gregory Shellnutt
- SS-03 Zooming in to see the big picture: using nano- to micro-scale observations to better understand Earth processes
- Noah John Phillips, Crystal Laflamme, Stan Roozen
- SS-04 It’s about time! Advances in petrochronology/thermochronology and applications to tectonics
- Antoine Godet, Jamie Cutts, Jeff Marsh, Dawn Kellett, Isabelle Coutand, Chris McFarlane, Kyle Larson, Jeff Pollock
- SS-05 Cratons, cratonic magmatism, and diamonds
- Yana Fedortchouk, Maya Kopylova, Andrew Schaeffer
- SS-07 Recent advances in the study of Appalachian metamorphism
- Deanne van Rooyen, Aphrodite Indares
Economic Geology and Mineral Deposits
- SS-08 The critical metal-magma connection: tracing metal source, transport and ore formation.
- James Brenan, Erin Adlakha, Neil Bennett, Jacob Hanley
- SS-09 Advanced targeting of minerals critical to a changing economy
- Neil Rogers, Mike Gadd, Chris Lawley
- SS-10 Current perspectives on the setting and origin of volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits
- Steve Piercey, Michelle DeWolfe, James Walker
- SS-11 Metasomatic iron oxide and alkali-calcic systems with IOCG and associated critical mineral deposits
- James Conliffe, Erin Adlakha, Louise Corriveau
- SS-12 Thar’s gold in them thar hills! Gold mineralization in the Appalachians and beyond
- Aaron Bustard, Wouter Bleeker, Mitchell Kerr, Ian Honsberger, Kevin Neyedley
- SS-14 Advances in hyperspectral methods for mineral exploration and production: new techniques in the search for critical minerals
- Derek Wilton, Gary Thompson, Philip Lypaczewski
- SS-15 Toward environmentally responsible resource extraction
- David Blowes, Matt Lindsay, David Wilson
- SS-16 Advanced analytical techniques applied to geochemical and indicator mineral exploration, and ore mineralogy
- Sheida Makvandi, Roger C. Paulen
- SS-17 The International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP): advances in earth sciences from marine scientific drilling
- John Jamieson, Anne de Vernal, Calvin Campbell, Mark Hannington, Dominique Weis
Quaternary Studies
- SS-18 Quaternary geoscience, glacial dispersal history, and cosmogenic nuclides: a session in honour of Dr. Rudolph (Ralph) Stea
- Denise Brushett, Roger Paulen, Mike Parkhill, Heather Campbell, Gerald Raab, John Gosse
Sedimentary Geology
- SS-21 Evaporites: deposition, deformation, dissolution
- John W.F. Waldron, Markus Albertz, Paul Durling, Steven J. Ings, Mo Snyder
- SS-22 Sedimentary basins: new approaches and integrated studies
- Lynn Dafoe, Nikole Bingham-Koslowski
- SS-23 Tectonics, stratigraphy, and natural resource potential of rifted continental margins: North Atlantic Ocean and beyond
- Luke Beranek, Emily Johns-Buss, Dave Lowe
- SS-24 Orogenic processes seen through the sedimentary rock record
- Shawna White, Ben M. Frieman, Rasmus Haugaard
- SS-25 Deepwater depositional systems: from processes to deposits
- Lilian Navarro
- SS-26 Dynamic transitions in Earth’s Proterozoic surface environments and biosphere
- Leslie J. Robbins, Michael G. Babechuk, Kurt O. Konhauser
- SS-27 Life and environments through time
- Katie Maloney, Brandt Gibson
Earth Sciences and Society
- SS-20 Geohazards and surface processes
- Maureen Matthew, Sophie Norris, John Gosse
- SS-28 Canadian earth sciences needs everyone
- Carla Skinner, Jennifer P. Cuthbertson, Nicole LeRoux, Ricardo Ferreira Louro Silva, Dawn Kellett
- SS-30 Geoscience in the energy transition
- Carla Skinner, Grant Wach
Geoscience Education
- SS-33 Geoscience Education and Outreach in Canada 2.0: Setting a roadmap for the future.
- Beth McLarty-Halfkenny, Amanda McCallum, Lesley Hymers, Courtney Onstad
- SS-34 Geoscience education: teaching the earth sciences in a (post) pandemic era in higher education.
- Anne-Marie Ryan, Charly Bank
- SS-48 Exploring the relationship between environmental science/geoscience and environmental studies: a panel discussion.
- Canadian Colleges and Universities Environmental Network
- SS-35 From land to sea: Groundwater-ocean interactions along the world’s longest coast
- Barret Kurylyk, Julia Cantelon, Cécile Coulon
- SS-36 Groundwater and agriculture: quantitative and qualitative linkages
- Serban Danielescu, Yefang Jiang
- SS-37 Groundwater and climate change
- Marie Larocque, Diana Allen
- SS-38 Numerical modelling in hydrogeology : New insights and innovative applications
- John Molson, Rene Therrien
- SS-39 Groundwater in cold regions
- Nathan Young, Aaron Mohammed, Jean-Michel Lemieux
- SS-41 Freshwater groundwater – surface water interactions
- Jim Roy, Clare Robinson, Lamine Boumaiza
- SS-42 Energy development and groundwater
- Jasmin Raymond, Steve Grasby
- SS-43 Geogenic groundwater contaminants and drinking water
- Vincent Cloutier, Gavin Kennedy
- SS-45 Coupled processes in deep geological repositories
- Magdalena Krol, Jamie Noël, Josh Neufeld, Sarah Hirschorn, Peter Keech
- SS-46 Hydrogeophysical characterization and monitoring
- Christopher Power, Colby Steelman
- SS-47 Contaminant hydrogeology: the sources and fate of pollutants in groundwater
- Geneviève Bordeleau, Eric Rosa
General Sessions
GS-01 Environmental geoscience
GS-02 Hydrogeology
GS-03 Geophysics
GS-04 Igneous and metamorphic geology
GS-09 Structure & tectonics
GS-11 Economic Geology