Dates and presentation information

Conference Dates: May 15 – 18, 2022. Field trips, short courses, workshops, and some virtual activities will take place before and after those dates. The full schedule will be released in mid-March and be available on the Fourwaves platform.

Certificates of Attendance

Participants who need a post-conference Certificate of Attendance can request one by emailing


Abstract submissions are now closed. 


All registration will be done online using the Fourwaves platform available here. Click here for all registration information. Early Bird pricing will be in effect until March 31st 2022.

Registration for field trips, short courses and workshops will close on March 31st 2022.

Registration for all social events and luncheons is now open. If you have already registered you can add these to your registration in the the Fourwaves platform.

Oral Presentations

Oral presentations will be in 20 minute time slots (unless you are a keynote speaker and this has been confirmed by your session organizers). These should be prepared as PowerPoint presentations with screen optimized for 9:16 – we strongly recommend you provide them in .pps or .ppsx (PowerPoint Show) format, to ensure that symbols and graphics transfer appropriately. To make a .pps file, use ‘Save As’ and select the PowerPoint Show (pps or ppsx) mode. Note that you cannot edit a .pps file. Time slots are 20 minutes – presentations should be tailored to 15 minutes, allowing 5 minutes for questions and change over.

We encourage everyone to use live captioning in PowerPoint to make the talks more accessible. This article has helpful advice and techniques

Poster Presentations

Posters will be centrally located in the main convention hall of the Halifax Convention Centre. Posters will be set up for the duration of the conference and poster presenters are expected to be at their posters for both in-person poster sessions on May 16th and 17th, 17:00 – 19:00. Poster spaces and exhibit spaces are adjacent to each other. Poster boards are 4’ x 8’ (maximum dimensions), on 30” legs and Velcro and push-pin compatible. Posters should be no larger than 90” x 40” (or 2.2 m x 1.00 m).

Virtual Presentations

The Virtual Presentation Space provides you with 250 MB of digital space to upload a poster, short video, figures, or text files for sharing that will be available before, during, and after the meeting. You will also have a video chat stream related to your presentation for live conversations (up to 8 participants at a time), and will be able to receive and respond to written comments at any time. There will be several scheduled times to virtually meet up with live visitors to discuss your research that will be facilitated through session organizers, and you will be able to schedule your own meet-ups by inviting visitors at any time.

For best results your poster should be at least 1.2m by 0.9m (or bigger!). Orientation can be landscape or portrait. Please save your poster as a high resolution image file (jpg, tiff, png) and label it with your session number, last name, and a short title (e.g. SS-09 Smith Paleozoic trilobites). More instructions on uploading and curation will be forthcoming on the Fourwaves FAQ page.

Recorded presentations

Virtual participants can provide 15 minute pre-recorded talks to be included in the the live conference schedule. These will be played during the live sessions, and if they are within the upload limits can also be posted on Fourwaves. These pre-recorded talks will be an addition to the virtual presentation spaces and everything that can be uploaded there. Talks should be recorded (you can use Zoom, Flashback, Screencastomatic, Office or any recording software of your choice) and saved as an mp4 file. These recordings should be sent directly to your session organizers who will ensure they are played during the live sessions (a list of these will be available when submissions can be accepted). Everyone is encouraged to use live or edited closed captioning to make your videos more accessible.

Cancellation Policies

  • Any presentation mode chosen during abstract submission can be switched by editing your abstract submission form until March 1st, 2022. This does not affect your abstract fee. This does not automatically switch your registration type if you have already registered, you will have to do that in a separate transaction. 
  • Registration can be cancelled before March 31, 2022 for a full refund. 
  • Registration can be switched from in-person to virtual attendance before March 31st, 2022 with the difference refunded. 
  • Registration can be changed from virtual to in-person before March 31st, 2022 but the difference in registration fees will need to be paid at that time. 
  • After March 31st, 2022 no refunds can be provided. 
  • If unforeseen circumstances arise please contact us directly.

Poster Numbering List for HCC


The program will be published in March 2022. If your organization requires meeting space and time in the schedule, please contact Lynn Dafoe, General Secretary.