The East Coast of Canada is a terrific location to visit classic and informative field locations and Halifax 2022 will feature many of these in the field trip program.
For any questions about the Field Trips please contact Amy Tizzard: (902-774-1411).
Registration for field trips will be open here from January 1, 2022 to APRIL 3rd 2022. FT-A2 has some additional space and registration will be kept open until the bus fills up so register now if you are interested!
Self-Guided Trip
- FT-C1 Self-guided, accessible walking tour of Dartmouth.
- Flexible
- Leader: Tim Fedak
Pre-conference Field Trips
- FT-A1 Salt tectonics along a late Paleozoic transform fault, Nova Scotia
- This two-and-a-half day trip will visit spectacular coastal sites in Carboniferous rocks of the Maritimes Basin that were deposited and deformed in a transform-fault setting during the assembly of Pangea, with the exciting extra dimension provided by salt tectonics. The trip will be of interest to structural, sedimentary, and resource geoscientists working in tectonically active sedimentary basins. It will visit distinctive features of Nova Scotia geoheritage, including the Joggins Fossil Centre, the Cliffs of Fundy Geopark, and the Pictou Coalfield.
- May 12-14, 2.5 days
- Leader: John Waldron
- Proponent: Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists
- Price: $432.00
- FT-A2 Geology, Groundwater and Wines of the Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia
- Exploration of the local geology, soil characteristics, groundwater influences and of course the wines of the southern Nova Scotia terroir of the eastern Annapolis Valley, one of Canada’s emerging wine regions! Here distinctive Nova Scotian mesoclimates, proximity to the moderating influences of the Bay of Fundy and Atlantic Ocean, and landscapes and soils shaped by multiple ice ages together generate a complex interplay of climate, soil, geology, and groundwater that influence the character and quality of grapes, thus creating a unique terroir. We will also explore the importance of groundwater resources to the vitality of the Town of Wolfville and Fundy area and the vulnerability of these resources to the effects of climate change.
- May 15, 1 day
- Leaders: Denise Brushett, David Brown, Gavin Kennedy, Barret Kurylyk
- Proponent: International Association of Hydrogeologists – Canadian National Committee (IAH-CNC)
- Price: $207.00
- This field trip will depart at 8.30 am from the Halifax Convention Centre and return at 6.00 pm the same day.
- FT-A3 3-D Virtual Book Cliffs Tour, Coal Creek and Deadman Canyons, Utah;
- This trip has been cancelled.
- FT-A5 Volcanism of the Late Silurian Eastport Formation of the Coastal Volcanic Belt, Passamaquoddy Bay, New Brunswick
- This field trip is an excursion through the exquisite, nearly pristine exposures of a Late Silurian, bimodal volcanic and sedimentary sequence exposed in the Passamaquoddy Bay area of southwestern, New Brunswick (Eastport Formation). These rocks are part of the extensive Coastal Volcanic Belt/Magmatic Province that extends from southwestern New Brunswick to the southern coast of Maine. The Passamaquoddy Bay sequence is 4 km thick and comprises four cycles of mafic-felsic volcanism with mafic volcanism typically at the beginning of each cycle, and volcanism separated by periods of volcanic quiescence when peritidal to subaerial sediments were deposited. During this field trip we will examine key exposures illustrating the depositional products of a spectrum of eruptive processes (effusive to phreatomagmatic, and interactions between mafic and felsic melts), and emplacement processes (flows, mafic and felsic peperitic breccias, and airfall deposits to pyroclastic density currents), and their diagnostic features observed in outcrop, simultaneously with textures visible in microphotographs, and their geochemical characteristics. The constraints that the volumes, modes and environments of eruption and deposition place on tectonic models may provide for some interesting discussion along the way. This field trip is also an opportunity to experience the spectacularly beautiful Bay of Fundy coastline. Accommodation will be at the Huntsman Marine Science Centre in St. Andrews by the Sea, and this field trip includes a tour of the Huntsman Aquarium.
- May 12-15, 4 days
- Leaders: Nancy Van Wagoner, Les Fyffe, Dave Lentz
- Proponent: GAC Volcanology and Petrology Division
- Price: $738.00
- This field trip will depart from the Halifax Convention Centre at 9 am on May 12th.
Post-conference Field Trips
- FT-B1 Geological comparisons and correlations among crustal blocks of eastern North America, northwest Africa, and western Europe.
- The purpose of this 5-day field tip is to bring together geoscientists working in eastern North America, northwest Africa, and Europe to discuss potentially correlative crustal blocks with northwest African origin that are now dispersed across the three continents. Fragments of at least three of these blocks occur in Nova Scotia, and hence it is an obvious focus for the field trip. Other areas (NL, southern NB, and SE New England) will be high-lighted during evening “virtual” field trips. This field trip is part of International Geoscience Programme (IGCP) project IGCP 683 ( led by Faouziya Haissen (Hassan II University – Casablanca, Morocco), Yvette Kuiper (Colorado School of Mines, USA), Pilar Montero (University of Granada, Spain), and Sandra Barr (Acadia University, Canada).
- The field trip is linked to conference symposium SY-02: Pre-Atlantic geological connections among northwest Africa, western Europe, and eastern North America
- May 19-23, 5 days. Field trip B1 will assemble at the Halifax Convention Centre at 8:00 am on May 19th.
- Leaders: Sandra Barr, Yvette Kuiper, Deanne Van Rooyen, Chris White
- Proponents: GAC Canadian Tectonics Group & IGCP683
- Price: $850.00
- This field trip will depart from the Halifax Convention Centre at 8 am on May 19th. The trip will end by 6 pm at the Halifax International Airport.
- FT-B2 Stratigraphy and tectonic setting of the Bathurst Mining Camp
- This field trip will examine the stratigraphic and structural setting of the volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) deposits of the Bathurst Mining Camp. Day one will focus on the Tetagouche Group including the Brunswick Horizon and its associated deposits: Austin Brook Brunswick No. 6 and Key Anacon. The second day will focus on the California Lake Group and a few of its associated deposits: Caribou, Murray Brook and Restigouche. Day 3 will look at more Tetagouche Group rocks.
- May 18-21, 4 days
- Leaders: Jim Walker, Aaron Bustard, Dustin Dahn
- Proponent: New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy Development
- Price: $732.00
- This field trip will depart the Halifax Convention Centre at 5 pm on May 18th.
- FT-B3 Telling the story of the Cliffs of Fundy UNESCO Global Geopark, Nova Scotia: linking geoheritage, indigenous heritage and culture
- The three-day field trip will demonstrate the interpretive storyline of internationally significant geological features and expose participants to the many aspects of local indigenous and colonial heritage. We will visit some of the readily accessible Geosites, demonstrating the history of the Minas Fault Zone at West Advocate, East Bay, and along the “Mini Cabot Trail”. We will also explore Mesozoic sedimentation and magmatism at Five Islands Provincial Park, Cape d’Or and Partridge Island. Both Cape D’Or and Partridge Island hold even greater significance as sites of Mi’kmaw heritage and archeology. The Geopark endorses the concept of “Two-Eyed Seeing” where indigenous understanding and western scientific practice coexist with equal respect. The tour will show how the landscapes and seascapes evolved and how they influenced the cultural, shipbuilding, mining and agricultural heritage of the area. We will discuss the challenges of interpreting the complex geological history of the Geopark and designing accessible material for public education. We will also consider the UNESCO educational objectives, in terms of sustainable development of mineral and energy resources and the geohazards created by climate change and rising sea level.
- May 19-21, 3 days
- Leaders: Caleb Grant, John Calder, David Piper, Georgia Pe-Piper, Louise Leslie
- Proponent: Cliffs of Fundy Geopark
- Price: $529.00 Professionals; $329.00 Students
- This field trip will depart the Halifax Convention Centre at 8 m on May 19th and return the Halifax International Airport at 4:30 pm on May 21st, followed by a return to downtown Halifax ~5:30 pm.
- FT-B4 Paleozoic Petroleum, CO2, and Geothermal Systems of the Maritimes Basins
- This trip has been cancelled.
- FT-B5 The Geological Setting of Romer’s Gap: in memoriam of Jenny Clack
- This trip has been cancelled.
- FT-B6 Meguma Gold Deposits
- Slate-belt hosted orogenic gold deposits form an important class of gold deposits globally and the Meguma Gold Deposits (MGD) are a classic example. For example, the analogous Fosterville deposit in the Victoria area of Australia is currently one of the highest-grade producers being mined. The Meguma Supergroup hosts numerous “saddle-reef” gold deposits that have a protracted history of mining going back to 1861. Recent exploration and development of MGD is at an all-time peak, driven principally by the phenomenally successful development of the Moose River mine (Touquoy), positive feasibility studies at three additional open pit projects (Beaver Dam, Fifteen Mile Stream, Cochrane Hill) and current evaluation of several underground projects (e.g. Aureus East, previously Dufferin) and hybrid (open pit and underground) projects (Goldboro). This trip will address various aspects of MGD, including their general setting, structure, vein relationships, wall rock alteration, relative and absolute age of vein formation, and conditions of vein emplacement (e.g., isotopic chemistry, fluid inclusions) through field stops and vigorous discussion during the day and evening. In addition to our significant understanding of MGD, there are an equal number of unresolved issues, and each stop will provide for discussion. In addition to Meguma Gold deposits we will visit recently discovered epithermal gold project in the Antigonish Highlands.
- May 20-23, 4 days
- Leaders: Rick Horne, Dan Kontak, Mitch Kerr
- Price: $1000
- FT-B7 Telling the story of the Cliffs of Fundy UNESCO Global Geopark, Nova Scotia: linking geoheritage, indigenous heritage and culture – Field Trip for Teachers ONLY
- This one day field trip will showcase the interpretive storyline of a few significant geological features and aspects of local indigenous heritage. We will visit a number of accessible geosites, including East Bay, Partridge Island and the lighthouse at Five Islands. Partridge Island holds significance as a site of Mi’kmaw heritage and archeology. The Geopark endorses the concept of “Two Eyed Seeing” where indigenous understanding and western scientific practice coexist with equal respect.
- May 21, 1 day
- Leaders: Denise Brushett, Tracy Webb, Alicia Hennessey, Louise Leslie
- Proponent: GeoLearns
- Price: $40.00 (TEACHERS ONLY)
- This field trip will depart from Halifax Convention Centre at 1650 Argyle St at 7:30 am on Saturday and return the HCC by 7 pm.
For more information on Field Trips download the pdf below.